Antonia NOËL - The Institute’s Founder

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Expert in the field of Communication and Interpersonal Relationships, Antonia Noël is a communication consultant, a trainer specialized in the education of adults and children through Relational Communication®, a PhD student in Communication Sciences.

For over fifteen years she has been lecturing courses, conferences, seminars open to the general public on the topic of communication and human relations, helping people to communicate better. Part of her activity is concentrated in a series of television shows, in which she offers a practical approach to the psychology of human relations (couple relationships, parent-child relationship, professional relationships). Antonia is the author of the books in the collection «Psycho-social communication at home and at school», which speaks about the emotional universe that each of us faces.

The author graduated from the University of Letters in Nancy, specializing in Cultural Mediation and Communication, the François Rabelais University in Tours, the Faculty of Journalism, the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu and the University of Bucharest, with the Francophone Master Média-Développement-Société. Currently a PhD student in Communication Sciences at the same university, Antonia is certified Trainde in ESPERE Method, founded by Jacques Salome, and certified Trainer specialized in  Early Childhood by Institute Petite Enfance Boris Cyrulnik (France), being the only person from Romania who has followed this program, based on latest researches in Neurosciences.

Antonia Noël has decided to pass on all her knowledge to those interested in developing their communication, launching the training program in Counselors in Relational Communication®. The purpose of launching the ICR project is to create a community of consultants who will disseminate the Relational Communication® at the national/international level. Another goal of this project is to bring Relational Communication® into Romanian schools as a stand-alone subject. Through this program, she aims to help the most vulnerable communities to benefit from healthy communication through the intervention of counselors in various counties in the country.

More about Antonia Noël can be found on